Ok, please be cruel, this is just an example of the idea I want to publish. I want to get the theme of people being ignorant to the homeless the fact that it isn't going to solve the social the problem. The type on the poster is horrible and I want to eliminate that with a stronger visual to communicate my message.
Is the poster going to be half of the image as seen on the blog or a landscape image as it shows when you click on it? Because I think personally it works better as it is on the blog.
I think it has potential, I don't know if your thinkin was along these lines but it made me think of the phrase 'the elephant in the room'. Maybe there is something you could explore there especailly since the meaning of the phrase is that of something no about but will not talk about??
Hope that helps
I agree with Matt - I like it the way it looks on the blog!
I don't think the image needs a caption.
The image of a homeless person, his box and an empty house together is enough.
Perhaps there's a different way of showing he's actually homeless by putting the poor fella outside an empty house. How you show an empty house, I don't know. Maybe a cross sectional view.
I don't know. It's your call.
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