Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Morgan Jones - Poverty

This is what I currently have for my Poster idea, its to represent Poverty and lack of water in the Third World. I have included the use of a young African child, holding the globe, as you can see, Europe etc is still ripe with water and green lands whilst Africa is all dried up and waterless. The giant tap on the side of the Earth represents us just wasting water and letting it go to waste.


Matt Preston said...

It's a lovely illustration with a powerful message.
It's not fair that these people should live without clean water, and the image of an innocent boy can send a message out.
I somehow don't think that we waste water though. After all, it all goes back into the ecosystem and begins a new cycle. It's just that Africa, having a completely different climate, does not have access to it like we do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Matty,
I think it shows more that we are quite happily to leave our taps on and use the water as much as we like and see fit without giving thought to the people in developing countries who'd kill for such luxury.