Tuesday 24 February 2009

Oil is Blood Money

This poster shows the result of the war in Iraq in my opinion. OIL IS BLOOD MONEY. The blood dripping from the dollar bill shows changes to oil to show the death that is happening on a daily basis in Iraq and the dollar bill is my main image as money is all this war is about and thats what i want to put accros to everyone that looks at this poster. Im not using any text as i think the imagery withing the poster is strong enough to tell the story.

Please give me feed back on any changes or sujestions you may have to help me. I also have some other 3d ideas that im putting together and will post them shortly.

Paul Power


Matt Preston said...

Not only is this a great idea - you've really gone to town on the visual element too.
I think it's a striking image, along the lines of something Banksy would create.

I personally would like to see the caption OIL IS BLOOD MONEY on there - because then it really defines what is spilled at the bottom.

Paul Power said...

i was thinking that myself. not sure yet though cause i think it might not work as well but ill give it ago then post it back up an see what you all think.

cheers for the feedback

Anonymous said...

the basic idea is visually very strong
and (arguably) leaves the viewer to think it through without necessarily stating the obvious but can appreciate Matt's point re. the caption being on.

Possibly the flow through from the green (hanging?) dollar, dripping red blood which changes to oil should be a touch more visually obvious? - although it's a touch difficult to tell at current size.

Ingrid Velure-Eide said...
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Ingrid Velure-Eide said...

Maybe you can put in an oilbarrel? Just as a element in right corner with a logo on?

Anonymous said...

have you tried it the other way round - ie. oil spurting up (say through a floating dollar bill) and turning into blood as it falls down to earth?