Monday, 23 March 2009

human right poster

think before you act when you put your information out there, we don´t know who's controlling us and why..


Alex Goodier said...

nice simple idea, i quite like how it is deliberately pixelated, although at the true full size (36x24") it might be really really really pixelated which could ruin it, although i could be wrong.

Matt Preston said...

The idea for me is a little too simple.

I first thought
'Think about what?'
It wasn't until I read your description until I realised what you are intending - I think you need something else on the poster that tells you to keep your personal information to yourself, like credit card details, personal information etc - in a little box that you fill in maybe?
With the 'think' button underneath.

So I think in this case, it's a matter of adding something. However the idea of the pixelating is good.

Jeff said...

What happened to the eyes?

OK maybe it is not a good suggestion but I think that Matt's insightful comment might point out a possible rationale

Anonymous said...

matt I feel has 'hit it on the head' so to speak.

It just needs to say something
think ....before you

Gry Jeanett said...

Thanks for feedback! :)
I've test printed in full size, and the vectorized pixels will not be a problem.

The eyes didn't work out, Jeff..unfortunately it was difficult to make my point this way.

Thanks for your thoughts Matt, That's what I was afraid of ;)

Gry Jeanett said...

although, if peoples first thoughts will be " think about what?", I have made them question the poster..and to make people ask questions is the whole point about my approach. But I will try out with something like:

- don't trust