Thursday, 12 March 2009

What do you think this poster is about??

What do you think this poster is about??
I wonder if its clear enough!

Comments are appreciated =)

Thanks - Ingrid


Anonymous said...

i liked this one much better ingrid :)
good job:)


patryk wicher said...

Yeah, i think it works good as a collage but maybe you should consider adding some text description so it makes message more clear?

Amy Goodwin said...

I think this is working alot better now without the blood but like patryk said maybe you should add a slogan to it so it's more understandable to the viewer as some people may not know what it's about.

Wayde 2 da Raphael said...

Im thinking that the shadow sketch could be done but in blue and green pencil crayon (same style tho). To try and tie in the global factor?

just a thought :)

I think a slogan may hinder the visual impact you have going on, but Its still worth trying that approach just to see the result.

Ingrid Velure-Eide said...

thanks for comments =)

I really want to have a poster without a slogan....since it should work in non-english speaking countries as well

Matt Preston said...

Ingrid, I think the message is clear enough - It can work without any text! I think it works well without the blood drops too. Simple. Straight to the point.

I want to do one of those smiley face things.

: )

Ingrid Velure-Eide said...

thanks a lot Matt =)
I posted the poster up on another blogg... One comment from a man was:
a. Drunk posterdesigner
b. Angry yellow poster that wants its attention.
c. Warningsign: Content in this bottle may lead to serious collage work.


Rajiv Chada said...

I think it looks much better without the blood. I don't think you need the text because I am sure that most people will understand this poster BUT if you have to use the text, maybe you can put them on the hanger to make it look a bit more effective?

Darkgift said...

I like it's dark and funny visually entertaining leave it as it is