Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Air pollution

Hi all,
What I wanna tell people is that we are hurting the children of tomorrow by air pollution and global warming.  I have tried to make the idea as simple as possible. It's made just to show you what i had in mind, I'm not gonna use this picture. Please give me feedback :) thank you.


ian said...

A powerful image good to see you are thinking about using a simple approach

Try to think more about the message and the visual language of the subject matter maybe the child needs to be located in an environment that people can relate to/recognise

lotte andresen said...

great comment :) thank you.
i was thinking about having the baby outside, to make it more clear that he needs the gas mask when he is outside.

Matt Preston said...

Definitely my favourite idea yet.

We were just talking about it, and I believe the image to be strong enough already, with it's innocence of the baby, the clinical background.

I would just play around with the context of the gas mask, maybe to give it a darker contrast in comparison to the baby. Ripped, torn, textured, toned, what ever you like.

Very nice work,

sasha said...

Really nice poster...punchy and efeective.

Jeff said...

Hope the crit was useful and the comments made yesterday?

Strong idea and simple - can it be made more so and refined by use of media etc?