Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Casino Banking

I took on board the feedback from last week and produced another design. I've kept the same Culture Jamming style and satirical theme but have aimed my attack on a bigger and more world renowned bank in HSBC. I've simplified my design by choosing a more instantly powerful image which makes the need for an additional tagline  redundant.


ian said...

Again a potentially strong idea, maybe you need to think of other ways/ideas in which you can subtley intervene in the message

Jazz said...

The image you've chosen is strong and makes a very critical attack on a well known bank which is what makes this idea work well. It works without a tag line but you may want to try adding a clever one just to see how it reads, and the way people react to it. Kind of like tryin to say...

looking after your money. (or)
with power comes great responsibility...

may be look at current ads and alter them to suit?