I am happy with the general style and the font choice however I am not sure whether the word 'forgotten' works or the caption.
Your thoughts and feedback will be appreciated
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Again this relies on words (but there may be no way around this?). somehow the image/poster seems visually less strong than your earlier idea.
Think about the tree/veins/blood and landscape as being the core of your great idea. Can we show the landscape dying somehow using this same visual landscape?
I really like the message you are trying to portray and your technique definitely works.
I personally preferred your earlier type - describing the environment as a forgotten victim. I think thats key to the design and getting the message across.
Now I can clearly see it`s a hand granate! It`s very powerful and the red colour and the shape make you see it straight away and I think from a long distance!
I think the poster just gets better and better! this is the best one so far! I like that you can see that it is a granate and the trees in the background strait away :)
I think that the image is very strong and works well overall. I agree that maybe you don't need the word forgotten and that 'war makes the environment bleed' is a strong enough message on it's own, though i think maybe you could look at using a different typeface, or look at the placing of the text to make it suit the rest of the design more.
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