Sunday, 1 March 2009

grace oakley - consumerism

This is my new poster, please let me know what you think. I have used a photograph of Goa in India for my background, as you can see there are 2 girls carrying branches on their heads and in the foreground I have photographed a friend carrying lots of 'designer' shopping bags while on her mobile phone and as a complete contrast to the Indian girls she is carrying shoe boxes on her head. I wanted to show how ridiculous our 'consumer culture' has become and by putting the two images next to each other to create one image I hope this is achieved. The colours that appear here are not correct, they seem to have changed when I uploaded the image, but you get the idea.
Please try copying and pasting this link to see the correct image and colours in photobucket.

Please leave comments. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I really like the idea Gracie, the girl with shoe boxes on her head shows a whole different culture diversity to the African ladies carrying water or food.

Im not totally sure if you need it set in an African location to put the message across though. For instance, you kind of know what your portraying through the girl on her own, if you then put her into the African Scene, it then suggests theres a shopping center just round the corner or something.

Perhaps experiment with other ways to show the image without putting her smack in the middle of Africa.

Matt Preston said...

I much prefer this one Grace.

There's a cultural link between the model carrying boxes on her head - which I think gives out a good impression as to what your poster is about.

I don't have a problem with it at all - you might want to change the direction of the shadow in relationship to the tree's shadow.

sasha said...

I think this new idea gets the idea across in a much stronger way i really like the link between the shopping bags and the baskets...the colour almost look a bit 'cheery' though...had you tried doing the background in black and white maybe....just an idea. :-]

Matt Hollies said...

Completly agree with the others, the girl carrying the bags and shoes boxes works really well.

Although I dont think it suggests this woman is to far from the mall I think Morgan is correcrt, there might be a nicer way of showing this contrast that puttin her in the african location. You wamt to carry on highlighting how riduclous consumerism compares to 'real' problems. Maybe the message with this image can get the african contrast across? Like asking how she would cope walking back home like that?

But definitly strong enough to carry on pushing the idea

Rajiv Chada said...

It looks really good. Love that.

Jahmela said...

Visually quite lovely.I also really like the idea of the girl with shoe boxes on her head.

Anonymous said...

i actually think the colours on this one are better than on the original. makes it look a bit more gloomy, the other ones too happy and cheerful looking like someone else pointed out. also looks like the womans just been plonked on there a bit, which i know she has, but y'know...some better shadowing under the feet might make it look slightly more convincing

Jeff said...

Hope the crit was OK/

remember mark making and context can be used for good if it assists the message

Thing lost my earlier comment (darn)