Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Here is another one.


Darell Trianni said...

I think the baby on board is a great twist and over all dirty look to the poster really works!!
I think the above poster design is to crowded but still a nice of Photoshop work.

Gry Jeanett said...

I really like the top poster, it`s very artistic, I love the technique! It`s a really nice picture, and you can clearly tell you`ve worked a lot with it.

Maybe, though, the message could be clearer?

Panos said...

the baby on board is great, brilliant visual that makes you think.

Unknown said...

Thx for the comments everyone.
What I'm not sure though is the fact that the baby on board should be presented differently instead of in a box.
I'm not sure I am passing the msg
correctly as in trafficking