Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Homeless ideas

just a few quick ideas, try and get my brain going. The homeless people in Wolverhampton seem to be camera shy so I have decided to build on other resources, but again be cruel, I agree that the idea's need more direction but I feel the images themselves are quite strong





Panos said...

please click on the images to see them full size because im useless and I'm not sure what im doing wrong!

Jeff said...

Panos - you're not useless - these seem OK to me technically for the blog.

I think the top one works best as a starting concept - the middle one I don't fully 'get' and the lower one is rather too literal.

As for the top one - try to simplify the visual and focus in on the visual speech bubble and it's dichotomous relationship to the background

Panos said...

i had to look up the meaning of "dichotomous"

1. divided or dividing into two parts.
2. of or pertaining to dichotomy.

maybe il use a different background, its a bit too slumdog millionaire