Sunday 15 March 2009

HOAX IMPACT improvement

Hey. I have been improved quite a lot on this poster. For the title, I removed 'Playstation' off because I don't think it is really important to use it. So, on the previous poster, there was an image of a controller with hands and I have changed it for a mobile phone with '999' message and I replaced the buttons for a playstation controller's buttons. On the TV, it is an animation image because the target market is between 8 and 20 years old.  You can see that the teenagers are calling a hoax call and the fire engine is on the way to them, where the real fire on the building is on the back. But I am not sure about that animation image because it looks a bit stretch-out as it's portrait image. 
Please be critical and help me to improve. Thanks, Raj :-)

1 comment:

Mary-Lou Owen said...

the phone idea is good, but the buttons could be in the colours of the playstation (or what game controls ur using) may make in easier to see. the burning building looks abit too wide, or u could use a building house, may be easyier to see. hope that helps