Wednesday 11 March 2009

i made the toys smaller and put some more in there, so that you see the weapon more clearly.
its a Screenshot so the quality is not so good, but there where something wrong with the colors on the original file when i uploaded it.



bonnie said...

it's really good, the toys work better smaller because it draws you in to look at what it is the gun is made up of, and you then see the message. i like it a lot :)

Anonymous said...

personally I think the gun looked better before, you could see it was a gun made of toys.

Its looks to crammed together now. I say keep the old style gun.

Matt Preston said...

I agree with morgan - keep the toys bigger as you know what they are.

It may not be obvious looking at it from further away that they are toys.

Grace Oakley said...

I also agree with Morgan and Matt, I prefer the old gun personally! It worked better, I think the simpler style is more effective.

Ingrid Velure-Eide said...

Hi Cathrine =)
Hope you are having a nice time in Norway....looks like you have got a lot of inspiration ;)

Personally I had a bit problems when the toys where to big (refering to the first poster). Now I can see the gun more clearly. But...maybe it's an idea to combine the two posters you have made? Maybe have big scaled toys on the left side of the gun and make them smaller the far right it goes?
In other words big - to small.......

Ohh..Bad english here :P Sorry!

cathrine tønnessen said...

thanks again for feedback, i will try to combine the two posters! cause to me i have a bit trouble seeing the gun on the first poster..

but thanks :)

Matt Hollies said...

I have to agree with the majority im afriad, i think the first poster was the strongest. You still could see the gun shape, and its alot better challenging the viewer than feeding it to them.

being smaller for me just lost the power of the message and the poster

Jeff said...

It works very well as an idea. Could you think about composition or even making this image more vernacular ie: place the toys on a living room carpet so that it looks 'real' and make the shot more like a 'family snapshot'

OK I'm being picky - it's already pretty good but everything can be improved maybe?

cathrine tønnessen said...

i will try to work more on it ! :)
thanks for feedback