Monday 16 March 2009

is this poster self explanatory enough without any text? i've changed the perspective of the hutch again and got rid of the light spot that was by the rabbits outline. is it better? thanks :)


Mary-Lou Owen said...

That looks better with the hutch like that :), maybe some text ? i would say so

Amy Goodwin said...

Looks much better now! :) I still think you should keep the slogan though, just try it with a different typeface or in a different position on the poster maybe?

Matt Hollies said...

definitly alot better now that you have not got anything distracting from the core of the poster.

i agree with amy you may need a slogan of some kind just to reinforce the message to the viewer, but only a small one becuase the image is strong enough to convey the message.

Jeff said...

Really think that this is improving.

the crime outline is great. Could the supporting image be more descriptive so that text isn't needed.

What would it look like on a grubby, swirly carpet next to a discarded child's birthday card? just a suggestion. What do people think?