Wednesday 18 March 2009

War is not a game

Very rough idea, by no means the final image as the text will change it was simply just put there to help give the idea of how it will look.  the camera was rubbish and i will experiment far more with the concept


Alex Goodier said...

Really like it Rob, change the text to 'War is not a game' like we spoke about today. This works really well mate, just play around with the actual shot and the type / positioning :)

Paul Power said...

great idea but im not too sure about the typography. Probably have it really small in a different typeface or not have it at all. But loving the image

Matt Preston said...

I actually like the text, where it's positioned, and the use of Helvetica in this instance is really nice!

I agree it should be changed to War is not a game - however use of colour and imagery are really good in this poster!

Jeff said...

Good suggestions on the copy

Gave you my comments in person so hope they helped