Monday 9 March 2009

This is my third design... please be aware this is not full size so the quality may not be the best. 
Here i am looking at playing with the innocence of a sign and adding a gun and a bag of drugs to it to add another meaning. Any feedback would be appreciated. 


Grace Oakley said...

I really like the simplicity of this idea! I think it works really well.

I love the simple silhouettes, at first look you see it as a normal traffic sign, however you are drawn in to see the darker side, I think it's clever!

Have you looked at road signs from around the world, for example china where the poster may be displayed? Are they similar to our signs? Or could you combine certain elements of signs from different countries to create a new sign? just a thought.

Overall, I think you could really push this idea to create a strong poster!

Anonymous said...

i think it's a clever idea how you've changed a sign everyone recognises, that has quite an innocent feel to it cause you usually see them placed outside schools and places you're likely to find kids. i think to improve it you could make the bag and the gun plain black, like the figures, so they blend in and maybe add a symbol or something that relates to drugs on the bag in a different colour so it's clear what it is. i think also the caption could be made more impactful some how. hope thats helpful :)

Matt Preston said...

I think it's a universal sign. In Britain, we don't have a sign anything like that and we all recognise what it is. So good job on that.

I'd just work on the drug bag and gun blending with the figures, as Bonnie mentioned.
Perhaps making the bag a little more obvious, because at the moment it could be a bag of anything!

sasha said...

Thank you for your comments...yes i agree...the bag needs to be more obvious that its a bag of drus...just trying to figuire out how... thanks guys.

Anonymous said...

This is actually really good, and I really love the simplicity of the design against a white background.

You could try having it set in the scene youd expect to see it. i.e Take a photo of sign like this outside a school or somewhere, Photoshop out the original Message on there and insert this one.

Would be interested seeing it in that composition also.

Jeff said...

Explore the vernacular as per Morgan's input as it will give the idea truth (?)

lotte andresen said...

I agree with a lot of the comments here. and i love your idea! what about making the gun more threatening? more like she is ready to shoot, not just holding it? or it could point at the child? keep up the good work :)